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Using the Foundry Template

Posted by: jill on 1/16/2025 5:26 PM

The Foundry HTML template is really cool. I am working with it and I like how well it works across browsers and mobile devices. I have a tip for everyone: Use the Page Designer! You can do everything from that single admin panel screen.

2 Replies
Added by ted.anderson

How do you get to the Page Designer?
Added by Eric Abott

Navigate to a Page so you are viewing one of your web pages, like the Home page for example.

You will see a button at the top left in the grey toolbar that looks like this "</>". Click it and you will go into the Page Designer.

Shortcut to toggle in and out of the Page Designer:

If you are on a Mac, [Command] + [R]
If you are on a PC, [Control] + [R]

Have fun!
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